
Privacy Policy
Effective as of 2/9/2016

Mobile Detonator takes user privacy very seriously. While using our products (including services), we may collect and use your relevant information in order to improve the quality of our services; we will do everything in our power to protect your privacy, as long as it is within a reasonable business scope. We recommend that you read the "Privacy Policy" in detail to get an understanding of what type of information we collect, how we collect this information and how we use it. By using our products or services, you agree to the collection, storage and use of your information as long as it follows the context dictated here and the adherence of local laws and regulations.

The information collected When using "Share Photo Stream" or "Share" services.
Other information we collect includes:

Any geographical locations, system languages, device model and type, or operating system versions while you are interacting with our services using any computers or devices. This information will help us learn more about you, in order to optimize services and provide a better user experience.

Any records, including statistical information, key operation paths, error logs, crash logs, etc. you encounter while using our products. This will help us to get a better understanding of the status of our products, in order to improve our services, further optimize user experience and provide higher quality products.

Any location information and file creation times for your photos (or similar files); any special characteristics of persons within your photos; and any content contained within your photos. We will use this information to provide "People Aggregation", "Location Aggregation", "Content Labeling", as well as a combination of other custom features using these functions as a basic foundation.

You can turn off "Mobile Detonator Cloud Services"; if you do so, we will not collect any information related to your photos (or similar files). However, you will not be able to enjoy any functions that require this information anymore.

You can turn off your device or turn off GPS location functions; by doing so, we will not obtain your current location information.

We may send you notifications via email or system notifications; if you do not wish to receive these messages, you can turn them off for your device or Application by following the relevant prompts.

When you use Mobile Detonator products or services, we assume that you allow and agree with these terms. Therefore, we shall not share your information with any third parties, sell or rent your information, or distribute this information to others; with the exclusion of the following situations.

